Presidential Update January 2021
Dear Association members:
Happy New Year! I truly hope that this New Year finds each of you, and your families, safe from the illnesses that are affecting our great country.
Let me start by recapping some of the decisions made during our Convention in October. We have again changed the days for Play Day Finals back to a four-day event. I believe this gives everyone time to enjoy the fellowship that our Association is famous for. It also allows for more effort to be given to making the arenas as safe as possible. We also had a lengthy discussion on the timing system and calculation of the points for finals. The solution we came to, for resolution of these issues, was to create a point chairperson and ask each district to appoint a person to this committee, the same as with rules. Lisa McLeroy volunteered to chair this committee and help keep us on track so we can feel confident in the point results when posted.
Changes to our age groups also passed and are as follows:
Super Pee Wee - 0-6
Pee Wee - 7-10
Junior - 11-15
Intermediate - 16-24
Senior - 25-44
Super Senior - 45-57
Classic - 57 and over
Novice Class - is now permanent and there are no age divisions
These changes take place this riding year.
January Executive Board was held with a very low attendance due to the virus that is impacting so many people's lives. The discussions were good and all who participated adhered to the safety protocols of mask and/or social distancing. We did decide to make a play day chairperson. Again, each district is requested to provide a person to this committee. Their purpose is to ensure the arena is set and timers are working for each event.
Please remember to get your dues into the district secretary so they can send them in before March 1st. If unsure what to do, please refer to the Facebook post from Debbie with all the information you'll need.
If you have been around me for any length of time you know that I do wonder aloud about how to get more of our members to become involved with the business of the Association. If you ever see me talking with myself, feel free to join all of my many personalities in the discussion. There are no ideas that are not work considering.
With all the changes and forward thinking, it is my hope that our Association continues to grow and we can all share the fun and family atmosphere that keeps us all coming back. I ask that each of us share the great things happening in our Association at all equine events and let other people know that we offer a unique opportunity to play and compete as a family.
Please stay safe and take care of your loved ones and yourself.
Tommy McEwen, AASP&RC President